Epworth is committed to ensuring that our pupils experience a diverse and stimulating education, both on campus and through exposure to new experiences, places and people. Our pupils enjoy tours to various destinations; presentations, seminars and talks on a variety of topics; opportunities to attend the theatre; career guidance sessions; participation in Rotary Exchange, and various community initiatives.
Once a week, pupils engage in a club session whereby one lesson is reserved for a non-academic subject such as photography, chess, craft, cooking and foreign films.
A “Let’s Talk” programme exposes pupils to issues of diversity, inclusivity and social justice. We follow a pragmatic approach to navigate complex contemporary challenges facing young people in South Africa.
Our in-house publication, Epworth Out Loud, provides pupils from all grades with the opportunity to hone their journalistic skills by writing and submitting articles.
Epworth-on-the-Move is a pupil enrichment programme that takes place for a week in the third term. Each grade participates in out-of-the classroom activities on and off the campus. One of the highlights of this week is the Grade 9 Journey.
Epworth participates in The President’s Award, which provides young people with a balanced and non-competitive framework for self-development.

We have a formal international exchange programme with Mount St Mary’s College in Sheffield, UK. All Grade 10 pupils are eligible to apply for this unique experience.
We have two dynamic groups on campus, Earth Active and Interact, which provide pupils with opportunities for community engagement, social responsibility and environmental activities. Epworth is part of the Eco-Schools’ programme and was one of the first schools in the country to obtain its International Eco-Schools’ flag for its commitment to the environment.
Debating comes closest to being an academic sport at Epworth. Teams of pupils participate in regional debating leagues, in which the school’s track record is renowned.