Epworth appoints Executive Head of School

Epworth is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Reynard White as the new Executive Head of Epworth School. Mr White is currently the Principal of Epworth Preparatory School and is well known to the Epworth community. Epworth Chairman of the Board, Mr Jeremy Diedricks, said, “Reynard fully understands the vision and strategic goals for Epworth, placing him in the perfect position to take up the reins for the next leg of Epworth’s journey.”
Over the last quarter, the Epworth Board and Trust have been assessing the school’s existing governance structure and executive management model in light of Epworth’s growth and the dynamic independent education landscape. They have determined that the ideal model is one that embraces an Executive Head of the whole school who sits independently of the Principal of the High School and Principal of the Preparatory School.
Prior to Mrs Munro’s appointment as Principal of the High School in 2021, the person in this role also functioned at the Head of the whole school. Currently, a three-member team comprising the Principal of the High school, Principal of the Prep School and the Business Manager has assumed the executive leadership role. Mr White has chaired this team since its inception.
Epworth will continue to prioritise a search for a principal of the High School to replace Mrs Munro who will be moving to the United Kingdom at the end of the second term. In the interim, Mr White will act as Principal of the High School. Mrs Julie Calitz, who currently occupies the position of Deputy Principal of the Prep School, will take up the role of Acting Principal of the Prep School while the executive management structure is being finalised.
“I am confident that the above-mentioned appointments and strategic vision will ensure that Epworth not only remains economically sustainable but allows Epworth the ability to continue building a united, diverse and socially inclusive brand benefitting all members of the Epworth community,” said Mr Diedricks.